The Artist's Muse

Today my good friend and amazing Showgirl Of The Universe, Ami Goodheart, called me about using some of my images to promote an upcoming event that her unique event production company SOTU is working on. This gave me a chance to revisit these images I made of two of Ami's dancers - delicate blonde Stine and pouty-lipped Merry. They are modeling Ami's stunning handcrafted costumes - works of art to be put on a pedestal.

A little history...
I first saw Ami performing on stage at Galapagos in Williamsburg circa 2000. She was dressed ala Carmen Miranda and did a funny sexy dance surrounded by goofy sailors. I was in awe and fell in love with her right then and there. I met her that night, and the rest is a long history of friendship and professional collaboration. She is a natural muse, and I have of course photoed her many times thru the years - always trying to make the "perfect" portrait.

The muses that come along - both people and places - always seem to bring out these same feelings; I strive to capture their gestalt, and with each photo I reach closer, but rarely am satisfied.  But I try and have fun doing it.  Now I have grown to recognize this "divine dissatisfaction", as Martha Graham puts it, as a sign that I am truly inspired.

1 comment:

natty art said...

I was just mentioning your photography to a friend of mine and realized I haven't peaked at your blog in a while. I always love to see new work by you! It's always so awesome. These in particular made me wonder if you've ever attended one of the Dances of Vice events? I can totally picture you taking some amazing pics of the folks in costume there. Frank and I are trying to get to another one soon, but they are always on days when we are busy!!! :(


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