Studio Visit: Roman and Williams

I was thrilled to visit the studio/offices of Roman and Williams Buildings and Interiors for The Scout magazine. I shot portraits and stills in conjunction with a short film that The Scout was producing. The film has just been posted - the second in a series of three about craftsmanship. The film is gorgeous, so please take a look!

I was quite (pleasantly) inspired by the designers behind Roman and Williams - Robin Standefer and Stephen Alesch. They were at the same time elegant and down to earth. Their beautiful studio was filled with artifacts and textures and delightful things. I stayed on for the whole interview because I truly wanted to hear what they had to say. I felt a kinship with their sensibilities.

I had to work around the filming, which was tricky, but I got to make use of the HMI lighting that the film crew was using (yay!) For the portraits I actually used mostly available daylight and some fill flash bounced, as I had about 15min to make all portraits while the crew was setting up.

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